IP2Location releases the latest IP Geolocation Database DB25
It’s official. Introducing the New DB25 — IP2Location IP Geolocation Database.
The comprehensive database you have been waiting for. IP2Location.com, a world leading provider of IP geolocation technology and database products, today released the IP2Location DB25, also known as IP-Country-Region-City-Latitude-Longitude-ZIPCode-TimeZone-ISP-Domain-NetSpeed-AreaCode-Weather-Mobile-Elevation-UsageType-AddressType-Category Database.
DB25 is now focusing on two entirely new data fields, namely the Address Type and the IAB Category. Besides these, it may also be used as a solution for retrieving the country, region or state, city, latitude and longitude, ZIP/Postal code, time zone information, Internet Service Provider (ISP) or company name, domain name, net speed, area code, weather station code, weather station name, usage type and elevation. It also includes the mobile information such as the Mobile Network Code (MNC), the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the carrier brand. The MNC is unique to the carrier whereas the MCC is based on the region that the carrier operates in. In order to uniquely identify a mobile subscriber’s network, the MCC can be looked up together with a Mobile Network Code (MNC).
All of the IP2Location database is available in a highly optimized and flexible database format which is the binary format and CSV format that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses.
With the two newly added address type and IAB category information, you can now determine where the IP is Anycast, Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast and get the domain category based on IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy.
Introducing new fields in DB25
1. address_type
Description: IP address types as defined in Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
(A) Anycast — One to the closest
(U) Unicast — One to one
(M) Multicast — One to multiple
(B) Broadcast — One to all
2. category
Description: The domain category is based on IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy. These categories are comprised of Tier-1 and Tier-2 (if available) level categories widely used in services like advertising, Internet security and filtering appliances.
For further information, please visit https://www.ip2location.com/database/db25-ip-country-region-city-latitude-longitude-zipcode-timezone-isp-domain-netspeed-areacode-weather-mobile-elevation-usagetype-addresstype-category